Blog 4: Driving across Europe for the first time.

I drove across Europe for the first time.

Some of those close to me will already know this, but for those who may not, I am a very anxious driver. I avoid driving like it is the plague. Unfortunately, I did not get the best start to driving with my first 2 instructors and I think this is where it stemmed from. 
So, when we had to get a second car, it was no longer possible for me not to drive... 
Up until now, I've only driven in convoy on a show or very short distances. So, going from that, to driving 4 days, across 8 countries and a total of 2,000 miles, was definitely like being thrown into the deep end. 
Now, that I've done it, in hindsight it was a lot easier than anticipated. I definitely think it has helped my confidence too. Even when we got to the UK, for some reason I remembered the UK being very busy and overwhelming to drive in. It actually isn't  like that at all and I was surprised by that. 
Now, driving in Europe I still definitely prefer to the UK but, now I know I can drive in the UK at ease.
I no longer panic or depend on Seb to drive. This has given be a new sense of accomplishment and freedom.  

For those who may be an anxious driver, there were a few things that suddenly occurred to me when travelling this route. These helped me realise that a lot of the nerves and anxious was either made up or exaggerated.
First off, I am in control of my car, I am in control of how I drive and the choices I make. These are the tings I can control. I may not be in control of what other drivers do but I'm in control of how I react too that. 
The car only does what I tell it too. It goes where I drive it. No one else has control over what you do so why panic. I also control how fast I go. Sometimes, the speed limit is quicker than what I feel is a safe speed to drive. Never push your driving to where you feel you are unable to comfortably control the car. If people want to go around they can, if people want to ride your bonnet they can. If they want to flash their lights they can. This will not make me put my life at risk, for the sake of going 10mph faster. 
I also realised, if everyone else on the road can drive and get to where they're going, then so can I. Millions of people drive everyday, why should I not be able too. I can do it, if they can do it. 
It can be scary driving, but once you realise you are in control of all that ,then you soon realise driving is not that bad. 
I also think we see the roads, a lot busier and scarier, than they are and this then puts us off driving. 
The more you drive the more confident you will become. In my head, the UK was like driving at 100mph, with thousands of cars around you. I had remembered it as being so much worse than it was. Now I don't even understand how I had that in my head... So push yourself to drive that road you are avoiding. Push yourself to drive to the local shop instead of being the passenger. You may surprise yourself at how easy it is. I am so proud of myself and I'm so glad I no longer had a choice, as its now completely changed the way I feel about driving. I'm no longer anxious or nervous and I don't have to rely on others to get me places. If I can do it so can you.

I do think driving in Europe for the past 4 years, allowed me to build my confidence at slower and easier pace though. I did learn and pass my test in London, but we started our first contract in Finland a month after, so I've actually only driven in Europe until now. In Europe everything is slower, so for me this pace allowed me to build my confidence easier, than if we had stayed in the UK. I think I would still be struggling with my anxiety, now if we hadn't of decided to work in Europe. Having come back to the UK between contracts, to see family you do see differences in the way Europe and the UK drive and I just want to share those with you now:

I would love to know what you think too so leave your comments below once you've had a read.

To start with, the speed limits
In Europe the most common speed is either 60kmph or 100kmph, this is around 40mph and 65mph. I feel and have always felt the speeds allowed in the UK are just too fast for people to react and think. i do think this is a large part of why crashes happen. When I drive in Europe I find the slower speed limits allow you to think and react better. 
Roads: The roads in the UK are TERRIBLE... You wont get it, or truly understand the difference until you've driven in Europe and then driven here in the UK. I also think the condition of the roads are why so many break down, tires blow and accidents happen. It is so hard to control your car with the amount of bumps and pot holes there are in the roads in the UK. I saw more vehicle debris and breakdowns along one stretch of the UK motorway than I did the entire 4 days I drove across Europe.
The cleanliness of the roads in the UK is so poor. So much debris and litter is left on the road side. That this is why so many tires break. Talking of tires, the last time we did the trip, 2000 miles no tires exploding. We drive down the M25 a week into being in the UK and our tire blew out. It blew so bad it actually ripped a hole in the wood of the camper floor.. If this isn't proof that we need to up the road game in the UK then I don't know what is...
Lastly, the size of the roads and lanes on the motorways. 
In Europe the size of the roads and lanes are almost double. The roads are designed with extra space at the edge, (like a bike lane). They're for large vehicles or slow vehicles, to have space enough to allow cars, (on a single lane road) to pass safely, without having to go onto the oncoming traffic roadside. 
On the main motorways, lanes are also larger. There is enough space for trucks, or cars in general, to over take without getting pushed or pulled by the force being generated between the vehicles. 
If you drive in the UK, you know to get around a vehicle on a single road, you have to do so by going on to the other side. When being over taken by a lorry on the motorway, they are so close that you often get pushed out by the force. In Europe this is avoided. 
Imagine how much safer, how many less accidents and how nicer the UK would be to drive in,  if we made a few or all of these changes. 

So, that has been my recent experience of driving for the first time from Finland to the UK. Now I'm a more confident driver and person and can say i actually enjoyed the drive. It was mainly motorways with one continuous speed and a steady flow of traffic. It couldn't of gone better. 

Thank you for reading and I will see you in the next one. 
Lia x
